Core Values
At Sparkling N Sake we are defined by our history and inspired by the future.
We want to remain true to our heritage but we have ambitious growth plans and a stretching vision to become the most coveted branded spirits company in the world. We know that we will only achieve this with the full contribution and commitment of all our employees.
Our values shape the way we work together and living the values is one way of helping us achieve our vision. They give all our global employees a common framework for guiding how we act, do business and make decisions. We are Family owned, and share the same set of values as our Family Shareholders, ensuring that we keep a strong connection with them and stay true to our important heritage.
Quality Promise
Commitment to quality has always been one of the strong pillars of the Nishino Kinryo Corp and its takes pride in being one of the few names that has uncompromising attitude towards quality control.
Quality of all products and processes are the hallmark of Sparkling N Sake and international standards of quality control are observed in all aspects of the business, including fermentation, distillation, blending, bottling, packaging, marketing, etc.
Be it any industry, the leading players will admit that without a strong product, it is impossible to gain the trust of partners as well as customers. Additionally, Sparkling N Sake collaborative influences across various internal domains have helped the Group to continuously evolve and exceed expectations, from time to time.